We are off on a family vacation this week, so I will leave you with some fun tidbits from around the web...
Stephane and I have a bit of a problem looking at real estate "porn." We have come to the conclusion that imagining living in these spaces is probably better than the real thing. BUT, this is a special one. Like Smithsonian special...Julia Child's house, "La Pitchoune" in the South of France is for sale! Could you imagine cooking in that kitchen? OohLaLa (insert Julia voice here.)
As a Mississippi Delta native, I cannot wait to get my hands on this new book by Richard Grant. Read his wonderful op-ed from last week's Times here. It had me feeling nostalgic for the first time in a long time.
The pumpkin craze this season seems to be a little out of control, but Thanksgiving is coming... so here are the 12 BEST Pumpkin recipes out there.
For those of you who have not had the best week. Chin up!
And in case we do not come back from Saint Barth, you can find me here. My all time favorite beach house courtesy of Christian Liagre.
Bon weekend and bon week!