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Shuffleboard for Youngsters

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This summer I had a BIG birthday leering, and Stephane was being particularly cagey. Since he is not the type to forget BIG events, I was wondering what he had up his sleeve, but was totally clueless. So, on the night of the big day he claimed we were going out to dinner in the neighborhood. Well, thank goodness I put on some mascara and cute shoes because after a long walk through the meandering streets of South Brooklyn, we happened upon the Royal Palms Shuffleboard Club, and voila! A room full of my favorite friends brandishing shuffleboard sticks (which are actually called tangs as I was quickly informed.) So it was settled, I was old and therefore needed to learn to play shuffleboard like a proper geriatric.


BROOKLYN, NY: The shuffleboard competition board on league night at the Royal Palms Shuffleboard Club in Brooklyn, NY. (Photo by: Shaul Schwarz)

Royal Palms has the immediate atmosphere that announces you are about to have a really good time. It's like Palm Springs landed right next to the Gowanus Canal complete with striped awnings, vintage Sinatra approved cocktails, and a few palm trees scattered around the massive room. Luckily for all of us newbies, a guy in a jumpsuit appeared to give us the rules of play and to explain the "tangs and biscuits." See: Rules of Shuffleboard. Apparently, nobody likes a biscuit banger.

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BROOKLYN, NY: Customers sit at the bar on league night at the Royal Palms Shuffleboard Club in Brooklyn, NY. (Photo by: Shaul Schwarz)

Great vintage cocktails to spike a little friendly competition.

Even the bathrooms at Royal Palms are worth a gander.

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Clearly we had no fun at all:


The birthday biscuits!

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