Brooklyn Halloween


Brooklyn, particularly Cobble Hill, has a long tradition of making a big deal out of Halloween. We resided in Brooklyn Heights for many years and would always make the trek across Atlantic Avenue to come partake in the annual Cobble Hill Halloween Parade. There is jazz band comprised of local high school students who lead a motley crew of young and old bedecked in their best Halloween efforts.

This is our first year as Cobble Hill residents, and we do not want to disappoint. We live along the parade route, and our neighbors go full out with their decorations. This year Stephane (who is always dressed as Elvis) is planning to rig up a flying skeleton on a zip line who drops candy on to the kids below. I hope we have enough candy!


Also along the parade route is the Castel shop at 385 Henry Street. Our shop window is definitely in the Halloween spirit a la Alfred Hitchcock. We are calling it "A Death of Crows."


Swing by if you are in the neighborhood! Candy for the kids, and wine for the grown ups!



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