Sometimes when I hear people describe their jobs, especially in the creative realm, I think, "Wow, their job sounds so interesting and fun! Not like work at all!" And then I remember how fortunate I am to feel that way about my job much of the time. Let's face it, for most designers, the actual creative work is a much smaller percentage than the paperwork/ follow up/ "officey" time, but in the end, the results are worth it.
Every season, I have anxiety while piecing together fabrics, colors, placing orders with mills, the details with the sample maker, the shipping, customs, yada yada yada. And every season I am so thrilled when I see the finished product come together! It's similar to the pride you feel for a chil
One of the most fun parts of putting out a new collection is photographing the fabrics in a creative way that really show the essence of the product as well as give the clients an idea of scale and use. I have been very lucky to team up with some awesome photographers as well as prop houses to help us convey the "Castel look."
Two of my favorite sources for props in addition to random flea market finds are Patina Studio and Holler and Squall, both in Brooklyn.
Patina Studio is this big lofty warehouse space that is typical to Bushwick, where are the cool kids hang these days. They have everything from vintage library books, to stacks of carpets and chairs, and then there was the pink typewriter. I just had to have it! Our photographer, was like, "what the heck are we going to do with THAT?" I just shrugged and beamed over how adorable it was.
Holler and Squall is a retail antique shop in Brooklyn Heights that specializes in the "Brooklyn/ Upstate New York" look as I like to call it. Vintage lighting, upholstery, quirky accessories with a nice mark up. But very cool and worth it.
You can file this under random information, but if you are the vintage/ flea type, get thee to Brooklyn where there are finds galore for your styling needs! Voila.